Bollywood actor Kunal Kapoor who is associated with Shah Rukh Khan in Don - The Chase Continues has stated a comparision between the King Khan and latter's superhero character G.One in RA.One,he was really amazed with the energy levels of SRk.
Kunal Kapoor says "I think his character G.One is actually semi-autobiographical," "While we need sleep and food, he is actually a robot and all he has to do is plug himself in or change his batteries and he is good to go again!"
Kunal Kapoor is essaying a key role in Srk's Don 2-The Chase Begins.The movie is slated to hit the big screens on December 23, 2011.
Kunal Kapoor says "I think his character G.One is actually semi-autobiographical," "While we need sleep and food, he is actually a robot and all he has to do is plug himself in or change his batteries and he is good to go again!"
Kunal Kapoor is essaying a key role in Srk's Don 2-The Chase Begins.The movie is slated to hit the big screens on December 23, 2011.
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